The Medical Post has been the independent voice for Canada's doctors since 1965. For over 50 years, The Medical Post has produced impactful journalism about what is important and relevant to Canada’s physicians. It covers a broad range of healthcare topics, from medical news and...

Pharmacy Practice + Business is the one-stop pharmacy magazine for Canadian pharmacists and pharmacy owners. Inspiring pharmacists to be their best—in practice and in business. It’s our mission to inspire our audience to make the most of their emerging role as primary healthcare providers, while also...

Profession Santé is a specialized magazine for physicians, pharmacists and other professionals in the Quebec healthcare sector. The publication features rich and varied content and is intended to reflect the various practice communities in the health system, both in Quebec and the rest of the Canadian...

Québec Pharmacie has been the reference in independent continuing education for Quebec pharmacists since 1953. It is written by pharmacists for pharmacists. Reading Québec Pharmacie offers pharmacists a unique opportunity to perfect their knowledge in pharmacology, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics and particularly pharmacotherapy, in order to apply them...